We strive to breed only the healthiest puppies and if any unforeseen genetic issues arise, rest assured we retire those dogs from breeding to ensure the utmost health of our puppies for our clients. (our health guarantee is on the Contract page).
Below are some health issue that may arise in any breed. The most common issue in the Shih Tzu seems to be umbilical hernias. This list is a starting point for things that could come up.
Senotic Nares is common in the snubbed nose breeds. If puppy displays signs of pinched nostrils we recommend waiting for the puppy to outgrow this condition, around 98% of puppies outgrow this by 8-10 months of age.
Umbilical hernias are common to the Shih-Tzu breed and sometimes go unnoticed. We always advise the buyer of the hernia if noticed.
Inguinal hernias are not as common but do happen, this is checked at the vet and buyer will be notified accordingly.
These are not life threatening and are not covered by our guarantee. We recommend that you push in the hernias gently 2-3 times a day if this happens to your puppy and wait until the puppy is at least 12 weeks to be sure its not a delayed closure.
Most of the time these close on there own, if not it can be corrected with spay/neuter.
Stool eating is most often seen in puppies who eat their own poop. This can ve harmful if they eat the stool of wildlife or other animals without being fully vaccinated.
The best way to stop this is prevention by cleaning it right away.
Symptoms include scratching or itching, itchy watery eyes, sneezing, swollen face, inflamed skin, brown patches or rust brown colored spots.
Scooting, scratching rear end on the ground. Foul smell and redness of anal sack, with painful defecation.
The breed standard Shih Tzu bite is even or a slight underbite.
Baby teeth may be retained and need extraction(this seems to be more of an issue with imperials).
Dental disease may occur and cause decreased interest in food, slow eating, dropping food, and excessive drooling.
Dental care at home can help prevent dental disease.
Eye ulcers cause a heavy drainage and discharge from the eye. This is cause the face to be wet and tear stains. Dogs may welp or cry and have a discoloration of the eye.
Dry eyes cause redness and mucus production with pus draining from eye.
Distichiasis better known as ingrown eye lashes cause the face to be constantly wet with watery eyes and squinting.
Puppy/dog may be wobbly and disoriented, gums a pale color, and dehydrated. They may not be eating or drinking. This can cause shaking, trembling and lead to seizures, coma or death.
This is an Emergency and puppy/dog may nee to go to the Vet in order to raise the blood sugar slowly.
Make sure puppy has access to dry food and that they are eating wet food on schedule.
Liver values are elevated and can be observed in bloodwork. May need a diet change due to, too much protein or too many treats.
Symptoms include drinking too much, vomiting, diarrhea. May circle head and have seizures.
Kneecap pops out or is loose, may hear cracking or popping noise. This usually occurs inwardly or inside the limb in most small breed dogs. This is rated on a graduated system.
This is a soft spot like a newborn baby. It maybe very tiny in size. Most puppies soft spots are closed by 8-10 weeks but some of the tinies (imperials) can take up to 6 months to close totally.